HRD School

The HRD School provides HR professionals a comprehensive educational program into HRD functions frequently practised in organizations. The growing set of lessons give hands-on though scientifically sound guidance in development of competence at work. The lessons educate both trainers and learners through research-informed but readable texts and additionally provided trainings. For trainers, they are manuscripts for development programs, for learners they function as preparation materials for the program sessions.

WOPI toolbox

Job interview

What are psychometric tests?

What is personality?

What is motivation?

What are ways of thinking?

Basic competencies at work

20 Experts in work - to many uses

Self-directed career planning

Team collaboration: opposite roles

Team performance: basic competencies

Work wellbeing: protections & risks

Work wellbeing: ways of coping

Learning styles

Leadership roles - sparring for managers

360° programs


Helsinki (HQ)

Competence Dimensions Ltd


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